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How to add, change items and quantities in the Shopping CartUpdated 9 months ago

How do I get to my cart page?

  1. Find the products you would like to order
  2. Select the size if this is applicable
  3. Press the 'ADD TO CART' button
  4. If you would like to continue shopping, you can click the 'continue shopping' button or if you are finished shopping you can click the 'proceed to checkout' button.

Alternatively, when you're finished shopping you can get to your shopping cart by clicking the shopping cart icon at the top right corner, and selecting the 'View Cart' button.  

Here you'll see all your products in a list. These will have quantities beside them. Should you wish to add or remove any products from your order.

How can I add or remove products from my cart?

You can add or remove products by clicking the '+' to increase your item quantity by one or '-' icon to decrease by one. Another option is typing your desired quantity into the number field.

Should you wish to remove the product completely you can either click the '-' icon, until this is 0, type 0 into the text field, or click the 'rubbish bin' icon on the very right-hand side of the product. Please see the example below:

At any point when you are viewing your shopping cart and you decide that you might like to add some more products to your order, just click 'Xicon at the top right corner of the cart.

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