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Supported BrowsersUpdated 8 months ago

While we make every effort to enable our websites to work with the widest range of browsers, operating systems and devices possible, they are designed to work best with the following browsers and operating systems below. Due to the continually changing nature of digital technologies, and for optimal security, we recommend keeping your browser and operating system updated to the most recent version compatible with your computer or device.

Official, vendor supplied versions of:

  • Google Chrome - Version 50 or newer
  • Mozilla Firefox - Version 50 or newer
  • Apple Safari
    • Desktop/Mac - Version 2.1.10 Safari 10 or newer
    • iOS - Version Mobile Safari 601 or newer (running on iOS9 or newer)
    • Windows Version - Not Supported
  • Microsoft Edge - Version 14 or newer
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer - not officially supported but we try to make all core functions work with IE11

OS versions we officially support include:

  • Windows Version 8.1 or newer
  • MacOS Version 10.11: "El Capitan" or newer
  • iOS Version 9 or newer
  • Android Version  6.0 "Marshmallow"

Chrome based variants and extensions including the below are not supported:

  • Brave Browser
  • Duck-Duck-Go Chrome Extension

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